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You may be eligible for Paid Family Leave if you:

  • Are a part-time or full-time employee of the public or private sector who has contributed to the State Disability Insurance program or a self-employed Californian who has contributed to the Disability Insurance Elective Coverage Program at some point during the previous 18 months.
  • Have a loss of wages because you need to take time off work to care for a seriously ill family member, bond with a new child, or participate in a family member's qualifying military event.

Visit Eligibility Requirements to learn more.

Yes. Where you live does not affect your eligibility.

Yes. To use Paid Family Leave benefits intermittently while working part time, check 'yes' to question A13 on the Claim for Paid Family Leave Benefits (DE 2501F) form or 'yes' to question 6 on the Claim for Paid Family Leave (Paid Family Leave ) Benefits – New Mother (DE 2501FP) form. If filing online, check 'yes' to the question, 'Will you work at any time during your family leave?' You should also attach a detailed note to your claim form explaining which days you will work and the number of hours to be worked each day.

You're a scientist and you believe in God and Jesus Christ? You can read the story of how I converted from atheism to Christianity here. Were you really an atheist? Atheists often try to disqualify people who claim to be converts from atheism, because the existence of such people makes them feel uncomfortable. Basic obligation of public service (Section 2635.101).Question: What is the basis for the Ethics Program? Answer: A collection of statutes, executive orders, and regulations that underscore the notion that public service is a public trust.

The EDD makes every effort to process your Paid Family Leave (PFL) payment within 14 days of receiving your complete initial claim. Your employer may require that you use up to two weeks of vacation leave or paid time off (PTO) prior to receiving Paid Family Leave benefits. Paid Family Leave benefits can start immediately after your vacation leave/PTO ends.

A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential medical care facility, or at home. This includes any period of incapacity (e.g., inability to work, attend school, or perform other regular daily activities) or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care; or continuing treatment by a physician or practitioner.

Unless complications arise, cosmetic treatments, the common cold, influenza, earaches, upset stomach, minor ulcers, and headaches other than migraines, are examples of conditions that do not meet the definition of a serious health condition for the purposes of Paid Family Leave.

Yes. A Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant can certify for all medical conditions within their scope of practice after they have performed a physical examination and collaborated with a physician and/or surgeon.

Not necessarily. Your employer may require you to take up to two weeks of unused vacation leave and/or PTO before receiving Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits, but you should check with your human resources department first, since all employers are different. That said, your employer cannot require you to use sick leave before receiving PFL benefits.

You may be able to take unused sick leave and receive PFL benefits at the same time, but the combined benefits cannot exceed 100 percent of your regular earnings or your PFL benefits will be reduced by the amount of sick leave wages received. For more information about coordinating PFL with sick leave, DI, or other benefits, visit the FAQs – Integration/Coordination of SDI Benefits page.

Yes. The care recipient's treating physician/practitioner must provide medical certification establishing a need for care.

Yes. More than one family member can file a claim to assist for the same event if the two claims are for different time periods and do not overlap.

However, more than one individual cannot be eligible for benefits at the same time for the same military family member and the same military event.

Yes. Eligible family members can file a Paid Family Leave claim for different qualifying events at the same time.

For example: The father files a claim to attend the military ceremony and the mother files a claim to handle childcare during the same period of time.

A family member can file for benefits to assist two actively serving military family members for any qualifying event for up to 8 weeks total during the same 12-month period. However, the family member must provide new military documentation each time the military member being assisted changes.

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

What is Islam?

Al-Islam, commonly referred to as Islam, is an Arabic term which means 'the active submission to the One God'. Islam is a religion which guides its followers, known as Muslims, in every aspect of their lives. It is a way of life. Islam is the modern or latest version of the message sent by God through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all). Islam was sent to humankind through Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Islam is a religion which seeks to give a meaningful purpose to our life on this earth. It seeks to guide us in fulfilling that purpose by creating harmony between ourselves, our Creator and fellow human beings.

See New to Islam for more information.

What is the Qur'an?

The Qur'an is the book of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him and his progeny. The purpose of the Qur'an is to guide humankind to God and to the correct way of living life. The Qur'an is miraculous from many dimensions. For example, no human being can write such perfect guidance on so many subjects. The language used in the Qur'an is of a supreme nature and has the unique quality of conveying oceans of meaning in simple but powerful words. From the time it was revealed, the Qur'an remains in its original, pure, and unaltered form. The topics of the Qur'an include stories of past prophets and moral lessons learned from them descriptions of the afterlife, commentary on the events during the times of early Muslims, practical code of daily conduct, nobility of character of the Prophet Muhammad and his family, and spiritual and metaphorical appeals to the human intellect to know God in the world outside and within the soul. Muslims read passages from the Qur'an in their daily prayers.

See the Qur'anic text online, The Qur'an in Islam, Qur'anic Text, Translations, and Commentaries and Qur'anic Sciences for more information.

Who are the Ahlul Bayt (`a) / Ahl al-Bayt?

According to the most authentic traditions narrated in the collections of all Muslim schools of thought, the Ahlul Bayt (a) (literally People of the House) of the Prophet are one of the two sources of guidance for humankind after the departure of the Prophet Muhammad from this world. The Prophet (s) reminded the Muslim community time after time to adhere to the Qur'an and Ahlul Bayt, in order not to go astray after him. The Prophet Muhammad (s) also informed us that these two are inseparable until the end of time. Therefore, in order to understand the Qur'an and the tradition of the Prophet (s), we should refer to the Ahlul Bayt (a). The position of the Ahlul Bayt is a result of their individual piety and knowledge. After the Prophet Muhammad (s), the Ahlul Bayt consists of Fatimah al-Zahra (a), Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a), Imam Hasan (a), Imam Husayn (a), and the nine descendants of Imam Husayn (a).

See Introducing the Ahlul Bayt for more information.

How do I say my daily prayers (salat)?

See Factsheet: How to Perform the Daily Prayers translated into multiple languages.

Where can I obtain information on how to become Muslim and other information about Islam?

Please write to Islamic Education Board, Dar al Tableegh, Jackets Lane, Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6PZ, United Kingdom, or email

What do the various Arabic terms and abbreviations used on this site mean?

Allah = The One and Only God

swt = 'Subhaanahu wa ta`aalaa' = Exalted He is (used for Allah)

pbuh = Peace be upon him and his family (used for Prophet Muhammad)

(s) or (saw) = 'Sallallaahu `alayhi wa aalihi wa salaam' = Peace be upon him and his family (used for Prophet Muhammad)

(a) or (as) = '`alayhi/`alayhaa al-salaam' = Peace be upon him/her (used for the Prophets and the Ahlul Bayt)

ra = 'Radhiyallaahu `anhu/`anha' = may Allah be pleased with him/her OR 'Rahmatullaahi `alayhi/`alayha' = may the Mercy of Allah be upon him/her

Can I use of some text or other resources from for my own website, newsletter, curriculum, or other publishing effort?

For most of our textual resources, we do not own the copyright. However, after seeking permission, we have been permitted by the copyright-holders to digitise their material for educational purposes. If you wish to reproduce only a small portion of a textual resource (such as a chapter from a book) for a newsletter, you may wish to explore the possibility of doing so without permission under the fair use clauses of copyright legislation. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further detailed guidance on this aspect. However, if you wish to use the materials for any other purposes (such as for your own website), or modify or summarise them, you will need to obtain the permission of the copyright holder directly.


Can I link from a website I maintain to resources on your website?

Yes, you may do so, with the condition that you clearly acknowledge the destination of the link on your page as an external resource (The Ahlul Bayt DILP or Please contact us for exceptions to this condition.

Why can't I view the Arabic pages on


Please see the Arabic Viewing Guidelines.

I would like to translate from English into another language and/or vice-versa. Can I volunteer for the DILP?

Yes! Please contact us and let us know of your skills and interests.

How can I donate to this site?

Faqat Meaning

All donations are welcome. If you have a credit card, fill out our online donation form. Otherwise, please contact us to discuss other options.

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