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Math 8welcome

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Math - Faucette. Welcome Math 7 Plus (Periods 1, 2) Math 7 Plus (Period 4) Math 7 (Periods 6, 7, 8) Welcome to 7th Grade Math! I would like to introduce myself. Faucette and this is my 29th year of teaching math at Carnage Middle School. I look forward to working with you! Math Resources; Ms. Draper's Social Justice Library; IXL Information; Lyon Academy at Blow PK-8; Welcome to 7th and 8th Grade Math! Draper's website! Here is where I will be posting updates online! Each Virtual Classroom has a TON of resources. Click on almost any image and it will take you another website. Biology 20 Outdoor Education Math 7 Math 8 Welcome to Math 8! Notes and Homework. Learn More Class Updates. Class Information. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Applied Mathematics. Mathematics has wide applications in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and most of the other sciences. The major discoveries and inventions have Mathematics at their heart. And it is widely used in both Information Technology and Communication. These owe their very existence to Mathematics.

Scientific discoveries and inventions turned the modern world into what it is today. The major discoveries in the last two hundred years, which include electricity, the internal combustion engine, airplanes, computers and the Internet ushered humans into a high speed action-packed life that made possible the seemingly unreachable endeavors before that.

Math welcome poster

Scientific discoveries and inventions turned the modern world into what it is today. The major discoveries in the last two hundred years, which include electricity, the internal combustion engine, airplanes, computers and the Internet ushered humans into a high speed action-packed life that made possible the seemingly unreachable endeavors before that.

On the other hand, the abundance of information on the Internet has also created confusions to many that searching for the right or correct information is taking longer than it should, and oftentimes wrong information is found that leads to wrong decision-making. This creates an irony which brings the supposed-to-be modern and well informed era into artificial darkness and chaos. In the 'sea of abundant information' where the ships of humankind are floating and sailing, there are also 'information storms' that are ready to cause destruction to these ships.

In the midst of these turbulence, the only hope that ship navigators have left is an island where they can anchor their ships to safety. But an island could even be more hazardous to a distressed ship than for it to be in the middle of an open, stormy sea. In order for such island to be a safe haven, a well-functioning lighthouse should be built in the most strategic location to enable seafarers steer their distressed vessel to safety.

Math welcome sign

That is the main reason why a lighthouse was set-up to help the various 'information navigators' wandering in the ocean of digital information find their way to the this 'learning island' so they can properly anchor their ships to safety. We hope that you will find the correct information that you are looking for during your visit to the 'Sciematech Hybrid Learning Island'. And when you you leave you will be more equipped with the accurate knowledge that you have acquired, which will guide you throughout the rest of your journey. You are also welcome to visit us again as much as you want to see more of the things that may be useful to you.

Many of our 'Information Centers' here are still under construction but we are doing our best to complete them the soonest so you can gain as much information as you need. Other centers contain information we have gathered from other sources, some as they are with links that quickly take you to the original publisher while others on easier-to-understand formats with modified contents. And as earlier mentioned, those you won't find in today's visit may be available in your next.

May you enjoy your visit as you explore the island.

Welcome Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians, and Students:

Welcome to the new school year! As your child's math teacher, I am looking forward to working in partnership with you in providing the best possible education for your child. I am available most days before and after school for extra help. I will strongly encourage students to use their agenda daily. In addition, a student representative will post the daily homework on the Mother Teresa website.

To ensure a successful start to 2011, please ensure your son/daughter has the following basic supplies:


  • Spiral bound notebook containing graph paper (where small notes will be pasted and homework completed)

  • Plenty of pencils and erasers (all math work will be done in pencil)

  • A glue stick (to paste notes and worksheets into math notebook)

  • Calculator (it does not have to be an expensive calculator but one is required for math class)

  • Reading material for SIREN (10 minutes of daily reading in each class)

For the grade 8 math program, we will be using the Nelson Mathematics 8 textbook. The textbook that is assigned to you will be your responsibility until it is returned at the end of the school year in the same condition. To ensure that the $70 value is maintained, please take the time to add a protective cover to your textbook. This cover is also a way to ensure that your textbook is clearly labeled with your name, and therefore harder to misplace.

All homework, notes, quizzes, tests, and presentations are the responsibility of the student, even when absent. There will be required daily homework. Students need to choose a partner who will write down all homework and upcoming tests during an absence. This partner's phone number and/or email address should be recorded in your agenda. It is your responsibility to communicate with your partner to ask for this information.

To ensure that the learning environment is respected and positive for all, the following rules are applied in Ms. Carroll's classes.


  1. Listen when the teacher or a peer is speaking.

  2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

  3. Follow directions and stay on task.

  4. Remain seated until told otherwise.

  5. No use of electronics is permitted during instructional time.

  6. Use appropriate language and tone of voice.

Math Welcome

  • No yelling or screaming

  • No swearing or name calling.

Rewards for following the rules

  1. Verbal praise, stickers

  2. Positive note or telephone call home

  3. Special privileges

  4. A happy teacher!

Math 8welcome

Scientific discoveries and inventions turned the modern world into what it is today. The major discoveries in the last two hundred years, which include electricity, the internal combustion engine, airplanes, computers and the Internet ushered humans into a high speed action-packed life that made possible the seemingly unreachable endeavors before that.

On the other hand, the abundance of information on the Internet has also created confusions to many that searching for the right or correct information is taking longer than it should, and oftentimes wrong information is found that leads to wrong decision-making. This creates an irony which brings the supposed-to-be modern and well informed era into artificial darkness and chaos. In the 'sea of abundant information' where the ships of humankind are floating and sailing, there are also 'information storms' that are ready to cause destruction to these ships.

In the midst of these turbulence, the only hope that ship navigators have left is an island where they can anchor their ships to safety. But an island could even be more hazardous to a distressed ship than for it to be in the middle of an open, stormy sea. In order for such island to be a safe haven, a well-functioning lighthouse should be built in the most strategic location to enable seafarers steer their distressed vessel to safety.

That is the main reason why a lighthouse was set-up to help the various 'information navigators' wandering in the ocean of digital information find their way to the this 'learning island' so they can properly anchor their ships to safety. We hope that you will find the correct information that you are looking for during your visit to the 'Sciematech Hybrid Learning Island'. And when you you leave you will be more equipped with the accurate knowledge that you have acquired, which will guide you throughout the rest of your journey. You are also welcome to visit us again as much as you want to see more of the things that may be useful to you.

Many of our 'Information Centers' here are still under construction but we are doing our best to complete them the soonest so you can gain as much information as you need. Other centers contain information we have gathered from other sources, some as they are with links that quickly take you to the original publisher while others on easier-to-understand formats with modified contents. And as earlier mentioned, those you won't find in today's visit may be available in your next.

May you enjoy your visit as you explore the island.

Welcome Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians, and Students:

Welcome to the new school year! As your child's math teacher, I am looking forward to working in partnership with you in providing the best possible education for your child. I am available most days before and after school for extra help. I will strongly encourage students to use their agenda daily. In addition, a student representative will post the daily homework on the Mother Teresa website.

To ensure a successful start to 2011, please ensure your son/daughter has the following basic supplies:

  • Spiral bound notebook containing graph paper (where small notes will be pasted and homework completed)

  • Plenty of pencils and erasers (all math work will be done in pencil)

  • A glue stick (to paste notes and worksheets into math notebook)

  • Calculator (it does not have to be an expensive calculator but one is required for math class)

  • Reading material for SIREN (10 minutes of daily reading in each class)

For the grade 8 math program, we will be using the Nelson Mathematics 8 textbook. The textbook that is assigned to you will be your responsibility until it is returned at the end of the school year in the same condition. To ensure that the $70 value is maintained, please take the time to add a protective cover to your textbook. This cover is also a way to ensure that your textbook is clearly labeled with your name, and therefore harder to misplace.

All homework, notes, quizzes, tests, and presentations are the responsibility of the student, even when absent. There will be required daily homework. Students need to choose a partner who will write down all homework and upcoming tests during an absence. This partner's phone number and/or email address should be recorded in your agenda. It is your responsibility to communicate with your partner to ask for this information.

To ensure that the learning environment is respected and positive for all, the following rules are applied in Ms. Carroll's classes.


  1. Listen when the teacher or a peer is speaking.

  2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

  3. Follow directions and stay on task.

  4. Remain seated until told otherwise.

  5. No use of electronics is permitted during instructional time.

  6. Use appropriate language and tone of voice.

Math Welcome

  • No yelling or screaming

  • No swearing or name calling.

Rewards for following the rules

  1. Verbal praise, stickers

  2. Positive note or telephone call home

  3. Special privileges

  4. A happy teacher!

Math Welcome Back Letter

Consequences for rule infractions

  1. Warning and a reminder

  2. Warning

  3. Parental contact

  4. Parental contact and after-school detention

  5. Office referral

** Serious rule infractions will be automatically referred to the office.

Math Welcome Poster

Thank you so much for your co-operation. I am looking forward to an enjoyable and productive year. For parents/guardians, please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or if you would like to discuss the progress of your child.

Best regards,

Math Welcome Sign

Ms. T. Carroll

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